Sunday, September 21, 2008

In the book Animal Dreams two sisters, Codi and Hallie, are different in many ways. Codi always has felt that people preferred Hallie over her for her entire life. Hallie and Codi are different in many ways and toward the end of the story Codi realizes that Hallie isn't superior to her. She also realizes that she has her own unique qualities. Codi has always thought that when her and Hallie were younger that Hallie was the one who was always protective of animals. When she's older, Codi talks to an old friend and his told that it was always Codi who was the one who wanted to save the animals. Hallie was the one who always followed in Codi's footsteps when they were little. A difference between Hallie and Codi is that Codi seems to never be at home when Hallie can make home anywhere she goes. When Hallie left for Nicaragua, Codi was a little envious that she could just make a home there right away. Also, Codi always felt that Homero liked Hallie better. Towards the end of the story when Codi took care of Homero, she realized that he might have always preferred Codi over Hallie. In one of Codi's letter to Hallie, she described Hallie as being Godlike. This apparently upset Hallie because she didn't see herself that way at all. Codi thought that Hallie was Godlike because she always wanted to save things and bring peace to the world. Even though Hallie and Codi were very close as they grew up, they both are very different and have their own good qualities about them.

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