Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I recently read...

A book I read recently was The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. A patient in a mental hospital tells his story of traveling around New York City and discovering that no one will catch and save the youth, but they have to develop and suffer on their own. The author proved this thesis by having the main character, Holden, talk constantly about how he wants to be the one who saves children from falling of the edge of a cliff while their playing. Holden realizes that he can't always be the one who saves them and they have to take care of themselves. I agree with the author's position how children need to learn some things on their own and that adults aren't going to be able to teach them everything. I really liked this peice because it always was interesting and I wouldn't be able to stop reading it.


KJERSTEN said...

your blog is so cool!

ben b said...

ive read that book. it was supposed to be a classic but i hated it and didnt get the point

Haley said...

Your blog is really cool! I've also read that book!

Joan (kitty) said...

i love that book! its such a classic nad has such strong messages.

CLOFOSHO said...

I read this book too! I really agree with your analyzation.